Tuesday 13 March 2012

Love ourselves to peace...

You may be thinking how would it be possible to love ourselves to peace? We all know that fighting against that which we do not agree with has not ever created peace. 

In order for there ever to be world peace there has to be peace in every individual. People who are at peace with themselves don't want to fight with others just to prove that they are right. They know in their own hearts that there is nothing to prove. What is right for another isn't the right thing for everyone else. So they accept who they are and let others be themselves. If you are happy in yourself then you will not feel the need to judge another or force your opinions on anyone. You will want to spread love, happiness and joy wherever you go. 

Love, has to start with self love, before we can spread our love to the people we interact with in our daily lives. If everyone could allow the self love that we all hold inside, be free, there would instantly be world peace. When I talk of self love I do not mean, the ego love that we all have inside, ego love is not the same: it thinks it is better than others; and it is always comparing itself; or judging; or in competition with others.

When I am talking about self love I mean the kind of love that we can't explain but we know exists, the kind of love that we feel when we look at a child, or our pets. The fuzzy love that can't be put into words. The love that when we feel it we know it, we know it is unconditional and straight from the heart, from the soul, from the whole of our being. 

Imagine what your life would be like everyday if you felt that kind of love for yourself, wherever you go, whatever you do. Would you want to hurt another, or criticize, or compare, ever again?

Each person would love life and love what they do, the way we were all born to. People would no longer want to fight against war. They would finally see the only way to create peace is to love. Love life, love who you are, love your neighbour, love everyone. Each of us would find happiness in ourselves then we would see that we no longer have anything we wish to fight against. 

Why not try to love yourself to peace today? All peace has to begin with love within... (because, of course people who love themselves would never want to harm another).

Let peace be... One person at a time... By loving ourself...